Sunday, June 7, 2009


My name is Becky and I am teacher in Missouri and have been for 10 years. In those years I have met and taught some of the most amazing students in the world. I love being a kindergarten teacher and couldn't imagine doing anything different. In this time, I met and married the man of my dreams, Chris. I had known him since he was 9 years old when he played little league football with my brother.

Chris and I have done very well for ourselves and mapped out our future to a T. We wanted to wait to start a family until we thought we were financially secure and I had completed my master's plus 40. Once I completed all of this, we started working on adding to our little family. That was over three years ago and we are still without child. There is so much more to this story, but to make a long story short last August after trying Clomid and various other things, we moved onto a fertility specialist.

We are seeing Dr. Brabec at Reproductive Resource Center. She is amazing is all I have to say. From day 1, we developed a plan to make our dreams come true. Each month it was taking fertility drugs, doctor's appts, blood drawn, measuring eggs growth, and followed by IUI. If you don't know what IUI is, it is where they take a catheter in through your cervix and inseminate you with your spouses sperm. It isn't the most pleasant experience, but I will do just about anything to become a mom. We did this in Sept, Oct, and Nov. and it never worked. Things became so hard on my husband and I, that we decided it was easier to not discuss what we were going through with family as we felt like we were letting them down each month as well as ourselves. We had to take some time off in December and January as I had a cyst that was caused by all the fertility drugs. I was put on birth control to stop the hormones to the cyst and to make it go away. In early Feb it was gone.

We were now ready to take the next step with IUI in increasing the fertility drugs to an injectable drug. I would like to add here, that I am terrified of needles. Luckily I have the greatest school nurse in the world that gave me my injections into my stomach every other day. It wasn't horrible, but I was convinced that this was our month and I kept telling myself that. When I went in to measure the eggs, I was blown away at how big they were. I had three large eggs and one was measuring almost a 24. I knew that this was fate and that before long we were going to have good news to share. I did IUI on a Saturday and was supposed to wait two weeks to do a pregnancy test. I was told to do a pregnancy test every month 2 weeks following IUI, but I was never one that wanted to do a test as there is something about seeing the words NOT PREGNANT on those at home pregnancy tests. I could usually tell that my period was coming and knew in my heart that I wasn't pregnant. On that Saturday I could do a test, I wouldn't. It was the start of my spring break and I didn't want to start it off with bad news, but I didn't feel like I was going to start. On that Sunday, March 8th, I got up and did a test. It came back instantly PREGNANT! I was so excited! I came running out of the bathroom and could hardly wait to tell my husband! We both cried and knew that our dreams were coming true! We agreed to not tell anyone until I was further along and we knew the baby was alright, but I had to tell someone and called my friend Becky as I had to tell someone!

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