Thursday, June 11, 2009


I would say that right now my emotions are through the roof and all I want to eat is CHOCOLATE CAKE! Here it is Thursday and it was day 2 of fertility injections. Thank God for my friend Becky as she has been a real trooper about administering my shots. I feel very blessed to have her as such a good friend. I really don't know what I would do without her. She has made a tough situation that much easier as I feel comfortable with her giving my injections. We have even laughed each time which I thought would never happen!

I forgot how the meds make me feel. Each night I have been having stomach issues in the middle of the night and during the day I have to eat my small meals to keep my stomach from having issues. I just hope that all of this is worth it and that everything works out the way I want. I seriously can't believe that I agreed to do this already. I know the hard part was going to the doctor last week, but now that I have started everything it almost seems surreal and that we aren't doing this. It is a weird feeling. I am sure next week it will really hit me when I go in to measure the eggs and for bloodwork. I know that everything is going to go great and we will be good to go with IUI. I just have to start telling myself I will be prego which I will, I know that I have everything on my side. I just have to keep reading my book, thinking positively, and staying relaxed. I CAN DO THIS!

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