Thursday, June 16, 2011

Waiting......Waiting.....Need Some Patience

Right now I need to be asking for some patience in my life as this 10 day wait to find out if my embryos took is starting to drive me nuts.  Let me rephrase that, I am nuts now.  It is all I can think about.  Everyone said that this was worse than all of the injections and I was like nah, there is no way, but now I am thinking they were right.  It would help if I had something to do like work to take my mind off of things, but I don't.  Instead I am just sitting on the couch per doctor's orders after my scare the other day.  BORING!  I thought yesterday was never going to end.  I don't understand how I have all of the patience in the world with my kindergarteners, but when it comes to this I am about to rip my hair out.  Then on top of that not being able to sleep is starting to not help.  This morning I was up at 4am with nausea and that was a new one.  I ate some crackers in bed with some gatorade and then dozed back off for a bit and had amazing dreams about our twins.  I really feel like I have to be pregnant as we were led on this path and everything happens for a reason.  I never would have done IVF and went to this new doctor in St. Louis if I wouldn't have become friends with the triplets mom this year and found out about him.  Then the moving to 2nd grade is telling me that the kindergarteners coming in are going to be rough and I don't need that stress at all.  I am trying to look at everything so positive and that just helps me to keep the faith.  Everyone asks me if I have symptoms and of course I do are you not realizing all of the hormones I am pumping into my body.  I had a breakdown last night after Chris went to bed and just lost it.  It is so easy to do.  I am not the crying type, but lately I am.  We have so much invested in this and I am not accepting failure.  I just have to keep telling myself this for 6 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  AHHHHHHH I really need some patience right now.  I can do this...RIGHT?!


Krista said...

Praying for you! The two week wait was definitely the worst for me...even though I thought I'd totally be fine..I wasn't!!

Hang in there...the best thing you can do is stay busy doing things you enjoy, to help get your mind off of things. I know that is easier said than done...but I found that that is the healthiest thing you can do through your 2WW!

Anonymous said...

It is so hard to not think about the possible negative outcome, but try to think positive. Yes, symptoms can be either the hormones, or babies :)
I know our last cycle didn't work, but truthfully, believing with all my heart that it did work, made the 2ww this time much easier and didn't hurt anymore than the first time when I 'knew' it didn't work. Hang in there!

Hopeful in Missouri said...

I am glad to hear this ladies. I am seriously going nuts. Today I didn't feel well most of the day. I don't want to say if it is the hormones I am taking or something else, but I want to know that is for sure. Nothing like getting sick twice in a day. I am hoping these next few days go by fast and if I don't get the news I want that I can be as strong as you Amiracle4us. I am a strong woman and I just have to keep telling myself that!

shara said...

Hang in there, and only think of the positive. Know that God is always with you, and he is the one who decides everything. Put all your trust in him he knows everyhting your heart desires. Go to the word of God, and find scriptures that in some way go with what your dealing with trust me it will help, and encourage you to move forward. Mark 11:24- "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Psalms 37:7 "Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Hopefully these few scriptures help you. God brought me through my trials and tribulations with my pregnancy and still does to this day. :)