Tuesday, June 14, 2011

BAD DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am having a rough day and feel like I am about to snap.  This morning woke up feeling good after having some cramping and thinking these babies are implanting.  Any how, went to acupuncture this morning as I want to do everything I can to make sure this works as I NEVER want to do this again.  Acpuncture was incredible and I seriously felt the energy in my uterus as she put in needles to make me carry the babies and not miscarry.  I felt fantastic during it and so relaxed.  I knew laying there I had to be pregnant.  I left there and went to have lunch with my sister in law and nieces before heading home to my couch, my hubs doesn't know this part.  Lunch was great and I even splurged and had caffeine for the first time in a week.  When we were paying I started having a hot flash and not feeling well.  I was like this isn't fun.  Got in the car to drive home and was burning up.  Made a quick stop and when I was leaving there I was feeling I am going to get sick I am so hot and my vision was starting to mess with me.  Drove to my parents that was right around the block and my mom came to the door to find me crying, not being able to see too much, and bright red.  I laid on her bed and she immediately got me a cold compress and turned on the fan.  This went on a while and then we took my temp which was up to 99 which my normal is 96.  Called my doctor and she was concerned, but said she hasn't heard about people having issues like this.  She told me she thinks I must be dehydrated and told me bedrest the next few days.  She said that she doesn't think it is the hormone meds as I have been on them for a week now.  WHO KNOWS!  She did say that it could be in reaction that something is going on with the babies.  I am so scared ladies.  I am hoping that I didn't harm these babies some how.  Then I asked her about my other embys to find out that they only hit a quality of 55 out of 100 and weren't freezable.  I just wanted to lose it at this point,  Then she brought up that the two we put in were 100's and the top and some of the best she has seen.  I am just freaking out.  Also, did I forget to mention that one of my former students died today too.  It has been a day and I am hoping and praying that everything is ok.  I am now on the couch with a horrible headache still trying to think positively.  So scared....  Please pray for me as right now something is up. 


Anonymous said...

Deep breaths....keep concentrating on the two wonderfuls that are in your womb digging in deep for the next 8.5 months. YOU didn't do anything to those babies negatively, so don't blame yourself for anything that could happen. Keep the faith, keep the positivity, even though its oh so hard!

GMBoehm said...

I second that. You didn't do anything to the babies. Just try to take it easy. The best thing you can do now is take care of yourself. FYI, your temp will go up if you are pregnant (and the hormones will make it seem that way no matter what). Just try to relax - it's really out of your hands now and all you can do is pray and hope. ((((HUGS))) I hope today is a better day. Watch some more funny movies - distract yourself.