Friday, May 13, 2011

Allergic Reactions to Medication....ARGH

Oh my...where do I start.  I have started a few of my medications to get my body ready for IVF in a few weeks.  I have started taking Dexamethasone, Reclipsen, and Lupron.  I am not sure what is going on with my body, but I do know that the Lupron isn't liking my body.  After it was injected into my tummy, my tummy turns red, my tummy gets hot and burns, the injection site starts swelling, and then a lacy rash starts to spread.  I talked to the doctor and they said if that is all that it does than I should be ok, but to monitor what it does the next few days as this is an injection that I do daily.  Yesterday was the first injection and today was injection two and it did the same thing, but worse.  Then on top of all of this, I starting throwing up and having digestive issues.  I am hoping that once my body gets used to these medications I will be feeling better as this is just the beginning.  Has anyone else had issues with Lupron or is it just me?  I only have how many more doses of this medicine and on top of that I will start adding more medications into the mix.  Why can't something be easy for me for once?!  Yes, I am frustrated if you can't tell.


Anonymous said...

Yikes! It burns a bit and causes some major headaches for me and fatigue, but that is it. I hope your body gets accustom and it's okay. What about taking a benadryl before hand?

GMBoehm said...

How are you doing now? I would get a red, itchy splotch sometimes, but never that badly.

Meagan said...

I took Lupron to put me into "menopause" for a few months after my laproscopy and it was a nightmare! I am sure I had a much higher dose though b/c I only took mine once a month. It didn't give me a rash but it made me crazy: hot flashes and major mood swings.

Hopeful in Missouri said...

I am feeling horrible. I have horrible nauseau and losing my mind I feel like. The hot flashes are crazy and then I feel like I am going to get sick. I am not sure if it is all from the lupron or it could be the combo of the drugs I am on, but all in all, I just feel blah. I went to acupuncture tonight and the lady put in a needle to make my headache and tummy better and it worked. I was able to eat tonight. I am just hoping that this gets easier. I go for my baseline bloodwork on Wednesday and fingers crossed that everything is fine so we can go forward with this..

GMBoehm said...

(((HUGS))) I hope it gets better and you get good news on Weds!