Monday, December 6, 2010

More Waiting.... :)

Last week seemed to last forever, but today was the worst as I just wanted to get to acupuncture.  I never thought I would say that.  When my doctor came into the room, she asked how I was and I told her I am not saying anything until you listen to my pulse.  She just laughed.  She listened and said it was even stronger and led her to believe that I still could be you know what.  I told her about how I had been feeling, but I didn't want to put to much into it as we have been here before.  Any how, it was the most relaxing session I have had.  I took huge deep breaths and just got in the moment.  Afterwards she came in to take all of the needles in, she asked me to do a test, but I said not yet.  I told her to give me another week as I can't see another negative test.  She said ok, but to email her as she was dying to know what happens this week.  I guess the real waiting begins.  I am actually pretty calm as I know that if I do start, I really feel great about things.  However, nothing would make my and Chris's Christmas like finding out we were you know what.  Alright with that...I am ending this.  Aunt Connie, don't bother asking me because I will lie to you.  LOL.  I do love all of the nice thoughts and prayers though.  We are going to get our miracle one way or another.  On another note getting my paperwork together to send to the doctor in St. Louis for our consult.  EXCITING!


clewis said...

Hi there, have just started following your blog. I too have just started a new infertility blog if you wish to check it out. thanks. and hope we can continue to chat

Hopeful in Missouri said...

Absolutely....I will check out your blog too. Hang in there..