Friday, June 3, 2011

Can you say frustrated!!! I went this morning for more blood and to have another ultrasound. We had to wait an hour and a half to even be seen and to make matters worse the couples in the waiting room were there for egg retrieval and their surgery. I know that the doctor said I was behind everyone but still it just sucks. I was so positive going in that they would say trigger shot tonight and surgery Sunday, but no I didn't hear that. Instead I saw that I still have double digits on the large follicles but they are not big enough still. My largest is measuring at an 18 and most of the others are around a 12. I was so bummed and I am sure he could see it as I cried after he left. He kept saying this is good and we are on the ring path, but so frustrating is all I have to say. We have to do lots more Gonal F tonight and have another scan tomorrow morning. Once we have that we will figure out what is next. Ring now I think we get to go home and do the trigger shot on Sunday and surgery Tuesday, but who knows. I am just trying to relax and let it happen the way it is supposed too, but t isn't easy to say the least. I just wish that something will go easy and right for us on this path. Please pray that my follicles grow and everything is still good.


GMBoehm said...

I'm sorry you didn't get the OK to trigger. It will be good, though, you want a lot of good, ripe eggies! I am praying for you!!

Anonymous said...

You have follies, and numerous ones!! That is what matters, the time they get to maturity, it's just time. They will get there and give you some wonderful eggs to make some wonderful embabies and then a wonderful baby (or two!).
I know it is frustrating, but try not to compare yourself to others-we are all soooo different and things happen in their time (as if we didn't realize that yet!!). Your retrieval will be here before you know it!