Wednesday, May 25, 2011


What a day! Let me just give you the low down on my day. Today was going to be a big day and it turned into a huge day. Here are the highlights: had an actual tornado warning for the first time in my 12 years of teaching with my kindergarteners and spent over an hour in cover, the tornado hit where my husband was and I had no communication where he was to make sure he was fine until 3 hours later when he sent me a picture of a car parked next to him with a piece of metal through the window, had kindergarten graduation with my class this afternoon after the tornado warning and still on edge as I hadn't heard from the hubby, after school packed up my room some, had girls night and ate shrimp that made me sick, and then followed up with doing our first Gonal F injection where my skin at the injection site swelled up. I honestly don't think I could have had one more thing happen today in my day. I am trying to think that my glass is still half full, but it is hard when I am still reeling from the day. I just hope that tomorrow goes better. Alright I am done venting!  I am still exciting that we finally hit the Stim drugs in making this more of a reality. 

1 comment:

GMBoehm said...

Well, let's just hope everything happened today to give you some quiet for a while now. :) Stimming is an exciting time - it's happening!! Good luck!