Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bloodwork for Baseline

Today was the day I was ready for as it was the baseline bloodwork to make sure that everything for my IVF was really going to happen.  I am still doing the lupron, but I finally got to stop taking birth control which really means that this journey is starting.  My baseline bloodwork was to show that everything was quiet and that the drugs had shut down everything for the time being.  If my bloodwork didn't come back right, Chris and I would have to head to St. Louis for an ultrasound and possible have everything halted.  I was so nervous to go in this morning for blood, but everything came back GREAT!  We are now one step closer to taking the Gonal F next week and really moving forward.  The reality is really here on top of all of the side effects that I am still having from the drugs.  My tummy issues have driven me really nuts and I was relieved to find out that I can take Pepto to help.  I even went to acupuncture this week to try to calm my body and to help out with the side effects.  When I told her about my upset tummy, she immediately put in a needle into my right wrist.  I just about jumped off the table it hurt so bad, but I trust Shamayne so much.  She pulled it out a bit and I finally relaxed through the session somewhat.  It really hurt afterwards and boy was I shocked to wake up the next day and see this.

This picture doesn't do it justice, but I now have a HUGE bruise where that needle went.  The good news is that it worked and it actually took care of my tummy so I could eat that night.  I am seeing Shamayne again next week and I am curious if she will make my other wrist match it.  I have never had anything happen like this from acupuncture.  The lady that drew my blood this morning said that my stomach much have really had some issues for it to bruise like this.  I told you I am special.  Any how, ready for next week and to get another step closer.  One last thing, I have TONS of amazing friends and family that are supporting us right now.  I have friends helping me pack up my classroom to move to a smaller room, my sister in law bringing me ginger and Sprite as that is all I am having right now, and then there are all of the supportive people that just send sweet little messages that keep us going.  It is definitely hard to keep being positive when I feel like crap, but I am being positive in my heart and head.  So ready to be a mom!


Anonymous said...

I hear ya about being ready to be a mom!!! So happy the blood work gave you the green light and that your acupuncturist is helping your belly!
Keep the positive attitude and soon, soooooo soon you will be a mommy!

clewis said...

hi there, I think you are only a week or 2 behind me. I go to acupuncture every week and last week I had some points in my face to help my headaches and it worked a treat! good luck with it all